About Us

Jasa Antar Samudera

PT. JASA ANTAR SAMUDERA was found when founder saw a need for dedicated specialized clearing and forwarding company who was capable to render a personalized services to importer and exporter in Batam.

Our Specialization lies in the handling of cargo to and from lands and others part of indonesia such as Jakarta to Batam and its Surrounding island and world site V.V etc.

PT. JASA ANTAR SAMUDERA has gained recognition as a reliable service provider among many manufacturers and companies in this area of services.

profil 1 - jasa antar samudera


viison mission commitment
icon vision

To grow and be considered as one of the most reliable and flexible freight forwarding and logistic company

icon mision

To satisfy our customer with profesional approach and personalized tailor made services to enhance clients profitability

icon comitment

We always comitment with our service and give the best to support your bussines